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EIP Teachers

EIP- Early Intervention Program

Welcome to Kilpatrick Elementary School’s EIP page.  We look forward to meeting and working with your students.  The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is designed to serve students in Kindergarten through grade five who are at risk of not reaching grade level. The purpose of the Early Intervention Program is to provide additional instructional resources to help students who are performing below grade level in either math or reading.  This instruction allows students to obtain the necessary academic skills to reach grade level performance in the shortest possible time.

The components of our program at Kilpatrick include Direct Instruction.  Through DI, we implement the use of the Reading Mastery and Corrective Reading programs.  In mathematics, we are employing an online program: SuccessMaker. 

Our EIP Team at Kilpatrick includes:   Mrs. Rhonda Savage, Mrs. Kelly Barnes, Ms. Bartholomew, and Dr. Rosemarie Bryan

EIP Eligibility for Placement Criteria: Students are placed into the EIP program based on a variety of indicators, which includes results from local and/or State assessments in English language arts/reading and mathematics, EIP Rubrics, and/or portfolios, and/or local school checklists. *



* (As quoted from the Georgia Department of Education)